Beim Föll. Auf’m Schrottplatz.

Beim Föll. Auf’m Schrottplatz.


»For the scrap heap. Those words give us goose bumps.« This was one of the key messages that we worked on for our customer Föll as part of building the brand. The goal was to develop a strong brand personality. The way there was via the core »treasure hunt« story and the authentic appearance of the corporate and employer brand: with a clear position, honest statements and lively storytelling. For a high level of recognition and a strong sense of belonging.

Statement of the jury

»The scrap yard is sausage, not sushi!« The employees of the scrap yard say what they think and feel, authentically and honestly. Furthermore, the strategy of using the campaign to show the employees in their world and letting them have their say without embarrassing them has made the name Föll a vivid brand again. This was no mean feat at first glance, but in the end the campaign proved more successful than anyone could have expected. It was rewarded with extremely positive public attention.

Best of best

Excellence in Brand Strategy and Creation
Lighthouse Project of the Year